Air Canada’s Potential Pilot Strike: How It Could Disrupt US-Canada Travel

Air Canada's Potential Pilot Strike How It Could Disrupt US-Canada Travel

The longstanding travel relationship between the U.S. and Canada is an essential part of North America’s tourism and business sectors. With millions of tourists crossing borders each year, these neighboring countries maintain the highest inbound and outbound travel between them. However, this robust connection is now under threat due to a looming pilot strike at Air Canada. The airline plays a critical role in transborder services to key U.S. destinations such as New York, Los Angeles, and Miami. A disruption could have significant consequences not only for passengers but for the entire travel sector.

Air Canada’s Role in US-Canada Travel

Air Canada is the largest provider of transborder flights between the U.S. and Canada, operating more services to U.S. destinations than any other airline. In 2023 alone, Air Canada flew to 51 U.S. destinations, increasing its daily flights from 157 in 2022 to 186. This expansion is part of the airline’s broader strategy to grow its Sixth Freedom traffic, connecting Canadian cities with international destinations through the U.S. In addition, Air Canada’s partnership with United Airlines adds another 80 routes and over 200 daily flights, strengthening its dominance in the U.S.-Canada travel market.

The U.S.-Canada travel corridor is one of the busiest in the world. Approximately 12.79 million U.S. citizens visited Canada in 2023, a dramatic increase from the previous year. Similarly, 6.1 million Canadians traveled to the U.S. in the second quarter of 2023 alone. Popular destinations include Florida, California, New York, and Nevada, with Canadian travelers making 28.59 million air trips to the U.S. in 2023. The aviation link between these two countries is not only vital for tourism but also business, making any disruption particularly damaging.

The Impending Strike and Its Causes

The threat of an Air Canada pilot strike is rooted in a dispute over wages. The airline’s pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), are demanding pay parity with their U.S.-based counterparts. According to reports, pilots at U.S. airlines such as Delta Air Lines earn up to 45% more than their Air Canada colleagues for similar work. This significant pay gap has led to mounting frustration among the 5,000-strong pilot workforce, who have voted unanimously in favor of industrial action if their demands are not met.

Negotiations between Air Canada and ALPA have reached a stalemate, with wage increases being the central issue. The union insists that a deal should reflect the global nature of the aviation industry, where Air Canada pilots often fly similar routes to their U.S. counterparts. As talks drag on, Air Canada has begun preparing for the possibility of a gradual shutdown, signaling that the situation may escalate rapidly if no agreement is reached.

Potential Impacts of the Strike

If Air Canada’s pilots go on strike, it could trigger a series of disruptions affecting thousands of travelers on both sides of the border. A phased suspension of flights, which Air Canada is considering, could start within days of the strike announcement. While the airline aims to minimize passenger inconvenience by giving travelers time to adjust their plans, the wider consequences for North American air travel could be severe.

The U.S.-Canada travel market is highly integrated, and a halt in Air Canada’s services could lead to widespread cancellations and delays. Travelers might have to look for alternative airlines, such as United, Delta, American Airlines, WestJet, Porter Airlines, or Frontier Airlines. However, even these alternatives may struggle to absorb the increased demand, leading to higher ticket prices and limited availability.

The tourism industry is not the only sector at risk. Business travelers, who depend on frequent flights between the two countries, could face significant challenges. Additionally, the ripple effects could extend to hotels, travel agencies, and other businesses reliant on the steady flow of cross-border tourism. The uncertainty caused by the strike would be particularly damaging during the busy travel season, leading to financial losses for both countries.

Air Canada’s Contingency Plans

In preparation for a potential strike, Air Canada has activated its goodwill policy. This policy allows passengers with bookings between September 15 and September 23 to change or defer their travel plans without additional fees. The airline is encouraging travelers to use self-service tools to manage their reservations, as contact centers are expected to experience long wait times during the period of uncertainty.

Furthermore, Air Canada is advising passengers not to head to the airport unless they have a confirmed booking. As the airline braces for a near-total shutdown, it is urging travelers to consider other carriers and make alternative arrangements in advance.

What Lies Ahead for the US-Canada Travel Sector?

The outcome of the ongoing negotiations between Air Canada and ALPA will have far-reaching implications for air travel between the U.S. and Canada. A prolonged strike could set a precedent for wage negotiations across the aviation industry, potentially influencing pay structures at other airlines. Meanwhile, the uncertainty surrounding Air Canada’s operations is creating anxiety among travelers and the tourism sector as a whole.

If the strike goes ahead, both tourists and business travelers will need to explore alternative airlines to avoid disruptions. However, the capacity of other airlines to absorb the additional demand remains unclear. Experts and passengers closely watch, hoping for a last-minute deal to prevent the strike’s potentially devastating impact.


The looming strike at Air Canada poses a serious threat to one of the world’s busiest travel corridors. With wage negotiations still unresolved, the potential shutdown of services could affect thousands of passengers and create far-reaching disruptions in the tourism and business sectors. As travelers brace for potential delays and cancellations, the future of air travel between the U.S. and Canada remains uncertain. Whether a deal is struck or a strike ensues, the situation highlights the complex dynamics of labor relations in the aviation industry and its profound impact on international travel.

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